Thursday, July 25, 2013

[INFO] Luhan

^o^     [ INFO ]     ^o^

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Luhan doing stunts, backflips, jumps from high buildings.........

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Luhan is scared of heights. He can't ride rollercoasters........

     l_     l_l     l-l     /-\     l\l


=.=    Exost Convo    =.=

Fan: Where is the most comfortable place?

Chanyeol: on bed and Baekhyun's shoulder.....

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
~XD hahahahaha

Baekyeol Shipper XP !

Monday, July 15, 2013

Chinese lesson for Chanyeol

" Chanyeol said that 

Kris tried to teach
 him Chinese 

for Wolf, but Chanyeol 

was too bad 
that Kris 

gave up. "


EXO's new hair color

Wahh!!! Look at Exo's New hair 
colors.. Although it's not real, I like 
it on them.. XD
It suits them~~! <3

Oom0.. handsome as ever.. ^^

Wednesday, July 10, 2013



XOXO Version B 
maybe, will release on August while the repackaged will be on October....

Suho "

                     Suho said that 
   they will probably hold their own concert next year!!

exo fact

[EXO Fact]

    During flights, if Sehun and Kai  are seated next to each other, Sehun will rest his head on Kai's shoulder.
     But if they are not seated next to each other, Sehun will not do this with other members.

Yeah... They've been that close.